
Tower crane foundation depth must be determined according to the geological conditions

Tower crane foundation depth must be determined according to the geological conditions. Because as a large crane construction machinery, as the crane foundation, not only the requirements of carrying capacity, as well as anti-overturning and stability requirements. It must be based on the geological conditions to determine its foundation embedment depth.Tower crane foundation for general use accompanying chart for specific construction standards, there is a minimum height requirement of the standard design content map, which should be the most basic requirements must be met.

As for how to determine the top elevation, can draw buildings ± 0.000 whirlwind arrival as the preferred reference. This makes it easy to set the crane supporting the installation of additional safety systems to ensure the safety of the crane.

Loading and unloading test methods shall meet the following requirements:
A load should be grading, using the same amount of load progressively; the maximum load rating load appropriate amount or estimated ultimate bearing capacity of 1/10, where the first stage desirable grading load twice.
2 grading should uninstall, uninstall the amount of time for each load level hierarchical load two times the same amount progressively unloaded.
3 plus, so that the load transfer should uninstall uniform, continuous, non-impact, each stage of loading in the maintenance process, the magnitude of change in level must not exceed 10% of the amount of increase or decrease.

