Concrete mixer is correct and its operational safety are closely linked, the hangzhou truemax Machinery Co., Ltd. in this for the proper use of concrete mixers elaborated a system, namely:
1) In order to ensure the mix mixing quality must be gravel, sand and cement required weighing accuracy; and before the stirring, adjusted as required on good signs tank pointer position to control the amount of water. Good mixing time should be strictly controlled, and requested the hopper discharge clean, otherwise it will affect the next mix mixture.
2) To feed in the hopper loading, attention should be charging order, that the next gravel, cement, and sand in, so when the hopper is raised without causing cement dust.
3) After work is completed, it should be stirred pour some gravel or sand inside the drum, stirring 10min and then released. Otherwise the inside of the drum remnants solidified, it is difficult to remove.