
Tower Crane Safety General Provisions

Metal structure is the material basis for the main part of the tower crane, tower crane is elevated to withstand gravity and the main part. According to incomplete statistics, in 2013-2015 between all tower crane accidents reported, the overwhelming majority of the tower crane collapse, which is improper maintenance of metal structures are closely related. So do the metal structure tower crane maintenance crane production safety has an indispensable significance for extending the life of the tower crane, ensure.
First, the metal structure tower crane maintenance crane steel structure must be strictly enforced scrapped.
Secondly, the main structure of the force should always check the metal fatigue strength, weld cracks, structural deformation, damage, etc., the main force structure for processing.
hangzhou truemax crane rental company Recommendation: Check the work of structural members according to the following procedure.
(A) Daily inspection: tower crane at work every 80 hours should be a routine check. Tower crane driver should shift check all bolts connecting parts again
(B) When the tower crane abnormal sounds or misuse occurred, or discover the tower crane safety protection device malfunction, etc., should be checked.
(C) When a project is completed, after the demolition of tower crane, by engineering and technical personnel and professional maintenance personnel conduct a detailed examination, and make records.
In addition, in the transport process should try to try to prevent collision damage and structural deformation. It is worth mentioning that, Shandong crane tower crane rental companies recommend metal structural parts required every six months to a year stencilled paint - times. Before painting the metal surface should be divisible by oil, rust and other contaminants.

